When it comes to saving money, we all need a little help. Saving money isn’t the easiest thing to do, but once you plan things out, it can turn out to be an easy goal to set for yourself. There are simple things that you can do to save money and achieve financial freedom. One of the things that I did recently to save money was doing a balance transfer on at least 4 credit cards. I took advantage of the 2-year, interest-free offer to pay down my credit card bills. I am sharing below a few tips on how to save up to $100 a month.
Related article: 8 Common Money Mistakes Women Make
How To Save Up To $100 Every Month
Packing Your Lunch for Work
Packing your own lunch for work is a great way to save money. Buying lunch from your workplace or eating out during your lunch break is something you should be willing to cut out of your day-to-day lifestyle. Because you can save about $25/week just by packing yourself a sandwich or salad to eat during your lunch breaks!
Make Your Own Coffee at Home
Instead of getting a Honey Almond milk flat white hot coffee at Starbucks for $5.95, just make your own coffee at home! It also saves you that $3 gas trip on your way to the Starbucks! I love using my Outerbanks Provisions coffee mug to take my coffee to work. That particular mug keeps my coffee hot until I get to work, which is a 30-minute drive.
Do Your Laundry at Home
For those of you who fancy taking your clothes to the dry cleaners and spending that extra money on your clothes, cutting that out of your lifestyle could save you a major amount of money! I once took one dress and a sweater to the dry cleaner and it costed me $60. I wanted to ask the lady if she used a special soap. Doing your laundry at home is definitely a great money saver. But, you have to keep in mind which cycle to use for different materials. Run a quick YouTube search and you will be able to find the best way to do your laundry at home.
Growing Your Own Food To Save Money Every Month
Instead of spending nearly $6 on a bag of carrots at your local Kroger, get it for free in your backyard garden during the summer time! Growing your own food is an amazing way to save money and have fresh organic food. Freezing foods like zucchini, okra, and carrots after growth can preserve them until you need them!
Saving /Clipping Coupons To Save Money On Clothes
Don’t throw away those coupons you got in the mail! Save them in your purse or pocket for when you can use them at the store. Buy one get one free, 50% off, and all other types of coupons can be extremely useful when shopping. Some stores even offer digital coupons that you can use right from your phone. The more saved, the better! One time I went to a store and paid absolutely nothing for a $25 t-shirt. By the time I was done using all my coupons and Kohl’s cash, the t-shirt was FREE. You can save up to $50 per month, if you take your time to find the right sales and use your coupons.
Make Your Own Bread At Home
Making your own bread instead of buying it at a store or coffee shop for breakfast can be and easier and less expensive! You can even turn it into a family activity and let your kids or partner help you prepare and bake it
Go To Your Local Library
Buying your favorite book series online for $20 isn’t necessary when you have the option to go to your local library. Just take as many books from the series as you can. Then when you finish reading them, go back to the library and exchange them for the rest! You can also buy used books online.
Use Up What You Have Before Buying More
Don’t throw away an item after little use and barely any damage. Use it to its full extent instead of constantly throwing it away and buying new ones! If you notice your vegetables are about to go bad, cut them up and freeze them. If the kids don’t eat the white rice by the second day, use it to make fried rice. Add onions and fried eggs to add flavor. They will love it! Remember, reduce, reuse, recycle!!
Even something as small as hanging your clothes out to dry instead of using your dryer, or making your own soap can help you save money. Being frugal means being responsible. It doesn’t mean that you are neglecting yourself.