5 Things Being A Mom Has Taught Me

Being a mom is both challenging and rewarding. I was about 8 years old when my mom left us with my grandmother and my dad to come find a better life here in the states. When I say a better life, I don’t mean for herself only. I mean for ALL of us. All 6 children that she left behind, plus my dad and my grandma. And because of all her sacrifices, I was able to build a better life for my own children. While being a mom is everything that I have always wanted, I never expected to learn everything that I have learned from it. Becoming a mom is synonymous to unconditional love. It’s one of life’s greatest experiences.

5 Things Being A Mom Has Taught Me

1. Being patient and keeping my cool

Being patient and keeping my cool are two different things for me. I feel like I was extremely patient when my kids were little, which was something that came to me naturally. But as my children got older, I learned to keep my cool. I learned to think before taking actions. Kids are experts in testing your patience! They like to see how far you can go. I learned that it is my job as a mom to not let myself fall into their trap. It’s my job to stay calm while finding the punishment that fits the crime.

2. Selflessness means you care

When it comes to being a mom, selfcare is very important. Like I always say, selfcare is not selfish. Selflessness means being concerned about the needs of others. It means thinking about other people than yourself. I was a stay-at-home-mom for 5 years. But when it was time for me to go back to the workforce, I chose to work night shifts. It was a difficult decision, but I learned that having a parent in the house would mean security. It would mean peace of mind while I am at work. Having a parent would mean I don’t have to worry about my child’s well-being while I am at work. I learned to put my children’s needs first. I have also learned to treat other people differently. I have learned to give without expecting anything in return.

3. Unconditional love is possible

“I never thought I could love someone as much as I love this little one.” I am sure you have heard that  before! That’s how I felt when I became a mom. My kids did things I told them not to do. They said things I never thought they would say. They made decisions without consulting me first. I love them anyway. They can be selfish at times, I love them anyway. When they make me mad, I can only stay mad for a few minutes. But when other people make me mad, I stay mad for a long time. Loving unconditionally is something that only being a mom could teach me.

4. I am braver than I think

If you want to know how brave a mom is, mess with her children! I am naturally a shy person. I usually don’t speak unless spoken to. BUT, if you mess with my children, you will see a whole different side of me. I remember one time my daughter had an accident in school. She was trying to get the teacher’s attention by raising her hand, but the teacher totally ignored her. When she told me about what happened, I could not get out of the car fast enough. I kept my cool, but my conversation with her music teacher was one that she will always remember. So much so that she told my daughter the next day she does not have to raise her hand next time she needs to use the bathroom; she can just get up and go.

5. Acceptance is key

Being a mom taught me that expectations can turn into acceptance very quick. When I was pregnant with my son, I read the book what to expect when you are expecting, which was a good book, by the way! We also have high expectations for our kids the moment they are born. We want them to finish high school, go to college, get married, have children. But that’s what we want. What about what they want? I have learned to accept the possibilities of them wanting different things. I have learned to accept who they have become. For instance, my son want to attend college in a city that’s almost 2 hours away from home. That’s not what I expected, but I have learned to accept it. Acceptance means I care about you and I respect your choices.

I have learned a lot since becoming a mom. And I am 100% sure that I have a lot more to learn. Just like my mom, I have learned that it’s okay to leave your kids behind if it means that you are building a better life for them. It’s okay to get your feet in the water if it means carrying them to better opportunities. Motherhood is challenging, but the experience and the things we learn along the way are so rewarding!

Related Post: Mother – Daughter Collaboration: Meet Cianna Marie


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  1. Neti*
    August 4, 2021 / 7:51 pm

    Loving Unconditionally. . . . It’s True Sis. And, the Loving continues all thru the Mom’s life. My only child is in his thirties and I would go to bat for him every time. BTW. .I can’t believe how much older your Son looks now. Where has the years gone. . .

    • August 4, 2021 / 11:14 pm

      I cannot believe it either, Neti! He just started high school. Pretty soon he will be driving mommy around. LOL

  2. August 15, 2021 / 10:15 am

    Agree with you self care is essential for mom

  3. September 27, 2021 / 3:53 pm

    Motherhood indeed teaches us Moms, a lot of lessons and it is a constantly learning experience. Being a Mom makes me very appreciative of Moms and Women in general. We do so much and give so much. Beautiful pictures; your kids look amazing.

    • January 12, 2022 / 3:01 am

      Thanks for reading, Beauty.
