3 Reasons To Give Her Flowers On Valentine’s Day

Giving red roses on Valentine’s Day is almost as popular as Oprah saying, “You get a car!” Flowers and chocolate go hand in hand on Valentine’s Day. Flowers can express so much more than words can. They speak their own secret language that only the heart can understand. The very first time I got flowers was not on Valentine’s Day. It was about a week after my husband and I started dating. He sent me flowers to say sorry after hurting my feelings. Men use flowers to say I love you, I am sorry, you are beautiful, and so on. In a relationship, flowers can also be used to say THANK YOU.  At least that’s how I feel when my husband gives me flowers for Mother’s day.

3 Reasons To Give Her Flowers on Valentine’s Day

Flowers are expected on Valentine’s Day

I know it may sound cliche, but flowers are expected on Valentine’s Day. My husband gives me flowers, roses to be more specific, every year on the 12th of February. I know my date is different; it’s because my husband decided to celebrate two days early. He thinks it makes it more special. But my point is, if you have given your significant other flowers 5 years in a row on Valentine’s Day, don’t be shocked if they expect it every year.

Flowers are beautiful

She will say yes! “I don’t want flowers,” says no girl ever. Flowers are beautiful and we love them. We can wear them in our hair to make it look pretty. They make the house look beautiful. Flowers also mean fresh start, new beginning. And, they make you look good, too.

Flowers are convenient

Whether they are picked from the garden or ordered online, flowers are convenient. Did you know you can buy fresh flowers on Amazon? Yes. My husband was shocked when I told him.  Fresh flowers can also be bought at the grocery store, or street vendors. Gone are the days when 1-800-flowers was the only site where you could order flowers for your significant other. Now you can sit in your office and compare prices from different sites before ordering your flowers. You have options! So, do the right thing this year. Give her the gift that speaks to her heart!

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  1. January 19, 2020 / 2:28 am

    I think flowers are such a beautiful gift! I heard that you could buy fresh flowers on Amazon.

    • January 19, 2020 / 5:59 am

      You totally can. Thanks babe

  2. January 19, 2020 / 5:36 pm

    All girls and women love flowers

  3. January 20, 2020 / 10:21 am

    I love flowers on valentine’s day or chocolates :)) x
